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2862 Farrell Crescent
Owensboro, KY 42303
(270) 684-3610






“I want to thank Dr. Wilson and his staff so much!  A pretty smile has always been important to me and I love my new smile.  I receive compliments on my smile every day and I am confident that it helps me make a good first impression every time.”




Before   After


Leslie came to me concerned with the fact that the existing veneers on her front four teeth were thick, did not fit well, and trapped food along the gum line.  She also desired whiter teeth and a more even smile.

Leslie’s smile was made more attractive by first whitening, then lengthening her teeth to be more proportional with her face and be in balance with the contours of her lips.  This was accomplished by whitening her teeth with a professional whitening system and then placing well-fitting porcelain veneers on her eight front teeth so that a smoother, whiter, broader and more even smile was produced.




“I love my new teeth and I smile more and broader because of it!  When I see my ‘before’ pictures I’m shocked.”















Before   After

George was unhappy that his teeth were crooked and dark in color and it was evident that when he smiled he kept his lips very tight so that little of his teeth showed.

George’s teeth were brought into proper alignment by placing a combination of porcelain veneers and crowns on his upper ten front teeth and one lower incisor.  I also whitened his teeth with a professional whitening system.  George’s smile is so much improved that it shocks him to see how he looked before.




“I am really pleased with the way I look.  Everyone compliments me about my pretty teeth.  It really wasn’t painful and Dr. Wilson and his staff treated me with lots of TLC.”











Before   After

Dorothy was unhappy with her smile due to her severely worn and discolored teeth.  All of the enamel on the ends of her top and bottom front teeth was worn away and this exposed the dentin layer below that is much softer.  This softness accelerated the wear problem and contributed to the unevenness of her smile.  Dorothy also had varying heights of the gums above her teeth that were unattractive.

Dorothy’s smile was made more youthful and feminine by restoring the natural length and contours of the teeth and gums as well as making her teeth whiter.  The gums were reshaped and all-ceramic Empress veneers were placed on sixteen of her top and bottom front teeth in just two appointments.




“Working in the dental profession made me very self-conscious of my teeth.  Even after wearing braces I wasn’t happy with my smile because of my large discolored fillings.  I feel very confident with my new teeth and have received many compliments.  Thank you so much for giving me the smile I always dreamed of having.”






Before   After

Sheila’s teeth were straight and she had an excellent bite but she disliked the worn, discolored, “aged” look of her smile.  She had many old fillings in her teeth that were stained and that detracted from her appearance. 

Due to the wear of her teeth and the uneven heights of her gums, Sheila’s smile seemed crooked.  This was compounded by the fact that the midline of her teeth did not line up with the midline of her face.  By utilizing a combination gum recontouring and eighteen all-ceramic Empress veneers and crowns, her smile was made more youthful, even and attractive.


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» Veneers
» 24 Hour Smile Makeover